should christians be allowed to talk of love?
2006-07-03 12:53:07 UTC
The term Inquisition (Latin: Inquisitio Haereticae Pravitatis Sanctum Officium) refers broadly to a number of historical movements orchestrated by the Pope and aimed at securing Papal religious and financial authority in Europe through the conversion, and sometimes persecution, of alleged heretics.

In Spain and Portugal, the auto da fes and pre-decided trials of accused heretics, often ended with men and women being burned alive. Spanish missionaries would later import the Inquisition to the New World, convicting and killing Central and South Americans who refused to convert to Catholicism from the early sixteenth century onward.

There were four major movements, starting with the Medieval Inquisition in 1184 and ending with the Spanish Inquisition in 1834.

700 years of slautering and when you see these days a christian in the streetrs he tries to convince you christianity is love
Once respuestas:
2006-07-03 13:02:38 UTC
Estás tratando de juzgar una creencia a través de las personas y no de su filosofía. El cristianismo habla del amor al prójimo y Cada persona tiene un libre albeldrío para ejercerlo o no a pesar de lo que alguien pueda decir no siempre se actúa de esa manera y puede caer en contradicciones.

Las personas como tú tratan de demostrar que son buenas a pesar de autinombrarse ateos o de otro tipo de "religión", pero en el fondo todos tenemos la desición en nuestras manos de nuestra manera de actuar.
2006-07-07 16:48:52 UTC
Let me tell you that the majority of this people named "christian" didnt lived as the Bible says that we must live.

You cannot judge to all the christians people for the bad things that made a group that live for satisfying all their own desires and used the "Christianity" as a shelter and mask.

I am not catholic and a Idon`t believe what they believe I think that they make a lot of things in past only for being reach and have power, but I am conscious that the aren`t equal they are a lot of people sincerely wrong, that need a lot of prayers for being changed.
♥♥ Vidabella ♥♥
2006-07-04 08:30:41 UTC
Este es un site para respuestas en español. Entonces por favor escribe es castellano.
2006-07-04 05:49:14 UTC
Note that not all Christians are Catholic. Protestants (Lutherans, Anglicans,...) and others are Christians, but not Catholic. The Inquisition was Catholic.

The Inquisition was wrong, but today´s Catholics did not kill anybody in Europe or America. They are not responsible for that, they just read the Bible and have faith that those are God´s words.

There is a big problem with the politics of the Catholic Church, but Catholics just believe in God. Don´t blame them for the terrible crimes commited so many years ago.
2006-07-03 22:10:09 UTC
You put Your eyes on the MAN, that is the mistake. The true love is NOT the man, is God, is Jesus Christ. From this point of view, the concept of LOVE, change a lot. Now mankind makes many mistakes, due to this You cannot trust in man, never.
2006-07-03 20:51:22 UTC
I sit down it, I don't please speak English you ask your question in Spanish.
2006-07-03 20:27:26 UTC
Of course, Love is something natural and very important for all human being. Without love there is not any sense of life.

For a Christian, the same for everubody who believes in God, love is the base of all their religion.

Love is God the meaning of God is Love, without love there is not God.

I'm a believer but I have not a special religion, instead I don't believe in religions I believe in God It is not the same.
2006-07-03 20:24:39 UTC
Mrs. Codrock
2006-07-03 20:19:58 UTC
You are talking about something that happened some time ago. You can't really talk about people that way.

Anyway, where do you live? Because round where I am there aren't any Christians trying to convince me of anything.
2006-07-03 20:02:31 UTC
Why not? Perhaps you should remember what happened to the Native Americans or the Australians Aborigines, the Maoris, and so on. They were not precisely attacked by Christians.

And what about Muslims? remember 9/11

I think we shouldn´t include all the people that have a certain confession or belong to a race or country in the same group.

Not all the whites are racists, not all the muslims are terrorists, etc.

First, know the person, then decide
Javier F
2006-07-03 20:00:30 UTC
The question should be AND WHY NOT?

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